Well, you\’ll have to make up your own minds whether it\’s really \”normal\” or not, but we had the \”tree guys\” in to take care of the two trees that fell in the windstorm a few weeks back, fell the one remaining dead tree that didn\’t fall, and trim up the oak between Philip\’s lot and ours. That oak had a branch rubbing up against the house (I swear it wasn\’t last year!) and was going to start doing some damage soon.
Peg took photos of the guys at work (Flagg Tree Services, if you live in North Central Massachusetts and need some tree work done). She\’s convinced we need a tree chipper (of course, she\’s quite convinced that she needs a Sawzall, too), and I think she got a ride in the bucket truck! Of course, I had to stay at work to pay for all of this frivolity, but I\’d probably have fallen into the chipper myself, and I don\’t have enough insurance to leave behind a rich widow (entirely by design. She has no real good reason to do me in…)
Now, the \”normal\” part – my antennas are back up! Yay! Now I can get back \”on the air\”.